Now that we're here in Colorado Springs, we wanted to be able to share a little about what's happening in our family with all of our friends. So tune in and we'll keep you posted!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Some video for you

Recently our video camera died. And rather than going out and purchasing a new one, we decided to buy a video camera/digital camera together. After a lot of research to make sure technology has come far enough to achieve this great "2 in 1" feat, we purchased a Canon S2 IS. It is an AMAZING camera that captures DVD quality video as well as delivering 5 mega pixel camera shots with a 12x optical zoom. The cool thing is, we only have to bring one camera to any event or outing. I can either video or still shoot's great for us lazy folk!

Anyway, since we've got this camera it's been so much easier to upload video onto my computer and eventually onto the internet. So here are some of our most recent video shoots. Each one is between 2-4 minutes. Click on the words below each picture to see the video. (If you right- click on those words and select "open in new window" you won't leave this page.) Enjoy!

The first one is from the pool party at our house on June 17th.


Next up is some fun at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

One late night at the Ross House. VERY late.


This one is late Friday June 23rd. It was Trinity's birthday and we had to celebrate late.


Last but not least is Jaden's dedication last Sunday, June 25th. Unfortunately, the pictures I have of this are on my work PC. I guess you just get video!

I hope you all enjoyed that as much as we did. Bless you all!


Blogger Lacy said...

I love how in the zoo video you can hear Trinity asking for a giraffe cracker for HER to eat! Ah, Trinity! You and me got a lot in common!

11:56 AM

Blogger Steph said...

I would love to see those videos but we must not have the version needed to view them. The last time I downloaded a new version of something, let's just say I got in trouble. So I will wait till James comes home so he can see if he wants it on our computer.

1:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your site guys - got to it from the Garcia's site :) You all look great and the kids are SO Big! Hugs and Blessings
Dawn Cook

3:55 PM

Blogger Steph said...

Oh my, now that I have seen those videos I miss you guys so much. That is all I have to say, because I really miss you.

9:03 PM


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