Now that we're here in Colorado Springs, we wanted to be able to share a little about what's happening in our family with all of our friends. So tune in and we'll keep you posted!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Good 'Ol Days

Today Ethan and I got a chance to go white water rafting on the Arkansas River (pronounced "ar-kan-sas" if you are from Wichita and "ar-kan-saw" if you are from anywhere else in the world.) We braved rapids all the way up to class 5 - the most dangerous. Granted, the water was only 1200 c.f.s. (cubic feet/second) but it was quite exciting none the less. With rapids named "Sunshine Falls," "Sledge Hammer" and "Boat Eater" you know you're in for a fun trip. I wasn't able to take any pics, but Ed Mally and Scott McElroy had waterproof cameras so eventually I'll post some here when I get copies.

It was good to see some of our friends from Wichita. It reminded me of the "good old days" when we were first starting Arise in Wichita. It was an exciting time. Nobody knew exactly what God was up to, but we sure had fun watching him do it.

Anyway, me being all sentimental (and not having any white water pics) I thought I'd post some of the pictures I found on my PC last night. These are from the Arise Grand Opening in September of 2002. Enjoy...


Blogger Lacy said...

I wonder who took all those pictures???
Fun memories! Ah.... the ugly,odd sized staff shirts!!

1:59 PM

Blogger Steph said...

Wow, I forgot about that night. It is so hard to believe how much has happened since then. I started thinking about all the students that have come through those doors. They have come from all over the world, literally. I am so thankful to be a part of this ministry.

1:37 PM


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