Now that we're here in Colorado Springs, we wanted to be able to share a little about what's happening in our family with all of our friends. So tune in and we'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Fox Run Park

Our wonderful friend, Tamra Farah, told us about this delightful park not too far from our house. Once again I am in awe of the beautiful place we now call home. We were enjoying a perfect spring day today, so once school work was completed, the kids and I packed up the car and headed to the park. This was actually our second visit, and I am sure we will venture here often. Trinity and Taite love the little creek. They both enjoy getting their hands wet, but Taite enjoys the thrill of jumping over the water from bank to bank. Trinity isn't quite as brave, she's content to pick flowers along the bank and sit pretty near by.

Taite, being all boy, has adventures to tend to and rocks and trees to conquer. No, that's not the sun in his eyes, that's his tough face. Intimidating, I know, but rest assure, he fights for good not for evil.

Jaden of course is simply happy. No reason has to link up to why he is happy, he's just Jaden and therefore he is happy. It also doesn't hurt that he is stinkin' cute.

In addition to the creek, the park includes walking trails where you are met by friendly chipmunks and a plethora of pinecones that for Taite double nicely as hand grenades, two playgrounds, and a couple pretty ponds.

The ponds are filled with some sort of orange fish, making their visibilty in the water attainable even for a three year old. So this trip we came prepared with bread to feed the not so hungry fish.

The kids didn't seem to mind that the fish weren't eatting that much. They still tossed in about four slices of bread and helped themselves to a slice each. Trinity said she wanted to test the bread and make sure it was good enough for the fish to eat. That's my daughter, always willing to help out, especially when food is involved.


Blogger Lacy said...

That looked like fun! The pictures were great, I've got competetion now! I would be afraid of open water with Judah, he'd probably just jump right in!

7:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those pictures look great but look deep into the kids eyes in each.
there is a saddness. Only a grandma and grandpa can remove. Hold on Taite, Trinity and Jaden, grandma and grandpa will be ther in just 7 days.
Guess Who?

11:06 PM

Blogger Steph said...

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12:33 PM

Blogger Steph said...

Hey Jennette, where have you been lately. Travis and the kids must be keeping you too busy so you can't blog. I don't think you have even blogged on my site yet! I almost called you the other day. Hopefully I will hear from you soon (hint, hint).

12:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jennette, its me Christina! Wow the kids look really grownup,well execpt for Baby Jaden! How are you I know you call and stuff but I was really curious. I don't know if mom and dad will use the comment thing(button!),anywho I say Hi for them! I love you guys (give hugs and kisses to the kids:)

4:26 PM


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