Now that we're here in Colorado Springs, we wanted to be able to share a little about what's happening in our family with all of our friends. So tune in and we'll keep you posted!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Moving day - and then some!

So (yeah...I start with "so" a lot, too, but I'm more of a "well" guy) it was another exciting day in Colorado. I was in charge of moving a LOT of stuff that had been donated to our church facility. All in all we took two loads - one from District 11 and the other from TCA (The Classical Academy.) While it was really hard work, Springs Calvary made out really well!

Let's see...we got 3 TV/VCR carts that can hold up to 30"+ TV's (really big ones), a bunch of those trapezoid tables for our kids ministry, some kiddy chairs that are in really good condition, about 35 brand new Herman Miller chairs (nice), and about 100' linear feet of brand new 5' tall dividers. WHEW! Frankly, the dividers nearly killed us...haha. I actually got a truck and a couple of guys from a moving company to help and BOY did they earn their money! Anyway, I'm tired and sore.

In other news, Jaden just won the best behaved baby in the universe award. No...really...he did. At least he won the award given out by his parents...and isn't that the only one that matters? Yeah...thought so.

He's growing like a weed! In fact, he nearly rolled over yesterday! He's sleeping through the night now (and Jennette hasn't stopped dancing for joy!) Both Taite and Trinity are really good with him. They're constantly trying to "help" which is a good thing at times....and incredibly trying at others.

For the most part the family has adjusted well to our lives here. Jennette is doing great with the kids and gets to meet weekly with Tamra Farah, Barry's wife. We'll most likely start having more of a social life once the church gets rolling.

At any rate we miss all of our friends back in Wichita and especially from Arise. It's kind of fun to see our little community grow more and more. I hope more of our friends start blogging and commenting on each other's blogs. It's a great feeling to know there are people out there that are genuinely interested in your lives. Blessings to you all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so jennett is starting a dance group???
that will be cool if she does...
i miss you guys alot... but i will see you in June, sometime...

9:32 AM

Blogger Lacy said...

Oh my, Jaden has gotten cuter! I love reading about your days, so know that even if I'm the only one, your blog is a great read. It makes me really sad that it took you moving so far away to get to know the ins and outs of your life. But I'm so happy to see it all falling together beautifully.

4:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

4:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

4:24 AM


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