Now that we're here in Colorado Springs, we wanted to be able to share a little about what's happening in our family with all of our friends. So tune in and we'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A word or two from Jennette

What can I say about, it's beautiful. I can't seem to get use to the fact that we live here now. There is still this part of me that feels like we are on an extended vacation. I'm still surprised by the awesomeness of the mountain every time I round the corner of our driveway. I guess I just forget how spectacular it is. Since we are up on a hill, we can look down into the city at night and see all the lights. There are lots of pretty views from every room in the house, I just need to allow myself to relax and enjoy them. Since I've been home schooling and all the kids are around all the time, it's easy for me to get caught up in playing referee between Taite and Trinity or diaper duty for Jaden. Taite is doing well with school and I've been working with Trinity as well. If I can have them do school with out them realizing they are doing school it seems to go the best. Jaden is as cute as ever. He's found his thumb and is now going to bed at 9pm and not waking up until 7am. We keep saying he's the best baby ever. Isn't the picture of him adorable? Lacy Hansen took this when he was 6 weeks old. If you are reading this and you don't live in the Springs, I can safely say that you are missed.


Blogger Lacy said...

That Lacy Hansen person really took a great picture of your son. I wish I could get my pictures taken by her :)

2:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is sara
i think my family is going to meet you guys sometime in june... i am so excited... keep up with that homeschooling...i bet you are doing a great job...
loveyea, and praying for you all the time

8:45 PM


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