Now that we're here in Colorado Springs, we wanted to be able to share a little about what's happening in our family with all of our friends. So tune in and we'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Last Week

It's been a lot of fun having Ethan here. We've had a lot of opportunities to talk and discuss things like his future, being an honorable man, and our relationship with God. The other morning after our quiet time, I looked out the window and saw this.

Later in the afternoon our little friend joined the kids in the dining room. Well, just outside the window anyway.

Then on Saturday, we had a pool party with a few families from Springs Calvary. The chocolate fountain was a big hit with the kids.

Mondays are my day off, so we took a short trip to the Garden of the Gods. We had to explain to Taite that the indians didn't know that there was only ONE God, and yes, it should be "Garden of the God." Both Ethan and Taite were pure boy - they climbed everything they could. We did run into some mishaps, but luckily we escaped unharmed. Here are some highlights.

First, as I was taking a picture of Taite and Ethan, this rock started to fall. Thankfully Trinity was there to save the boys from certain disaster.

Later, we almost lost Taite over the edge! Good thing he yelled loud enough for us to hear him!

Eventually things settled down and we were able to take some nice pictures. Blessings to you all!


Blogger Lacy said...

That pic of Trinity holding the rock is awesome! But uh guys.... your whole "God's beautiful earth" background is getting old, maybe it's time to pull the next backdrop down.... you know like the one with the snowy window and christmas tree!!! :) Miss you........ okay that's getting old too... but it's true.

10:29 AM

Blogger Rebecca said...

Lacy I'd have to agree with you, But I think we may just be jealous! It is awefully beautiful out there compared to flat land here!

11:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like CO is definately agreeing with you all. Visited with Nancy the other day, she mentioned how she misses you.

3:36 PM

Blogger ellen said...

Nice pictures. Also, looks like Jennifer Marshall and I can make a road trip out on the next to last weekend of July. We're plotting and planning...

8:53 PM

Blogger Steph said...

I liked all the scripted drama you created. You rock! Get it? The picture of all of you really a good one. If Taite didn't look a little upset it could be on the wall. You must keep your camera really handy to catch such great pictures of deer. Oh wait, let me guess, it is so wonderful out there that they are just everywhere and it does not take much to see one in your yard, daily.

9:04 PM

Blogger Maria. said...

Jena was equally impressed with Trinity's strength! Duane is so jealous of your views- he desperately wants to visit Colorado.
Miss you all!

2:16 PM


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