Update on Jennette
Jennette's surgery went fine. Unfortunately during recovery she found out she had an abscessed tooth. If any of you have had one, you know it's not a pleasant experience at all. So combine normal surgery recovery with the pain of an abscessed tooth and you've got yourself potential pain med addiction. It was pretty brutal...every time the Vicoden would wear off, she'd start having a lot of pain.
Tuesday morning at 8:00 she was subjected to 2 hours of complete and utter torture at the dentist. In God's grace he provided somebody to watch over her and the kids while I was at work so she could come home and get some Vicoden induced rest. By Wednesday morning she was feeling much, much better and hasn't taken any pain meds since. Thanks for your prayers!
PS - Our internet was down for over a week so you can finally access our PixPo site - it should work now.