Now that we're here in Colorado Springs, we wanted to be able to share a little about what's happening in our family with all of our friends. So tune in and we'll keep you posted!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Some more fun pics...

I've been using Google's picture organizer, Picasa, to post some pictures on our other blog site. There aren't many words, just some pictures (some duplicates of ones I've posted here, as well) in no particular order, either. I just thought since I was posting them, you could look at them! Enjoy!

Ross Pictures

(Please note that you can click on the pictures to get a little larger image on your screen. Then hit the back button you go back to the blog. )

Crazy Boromir...

I thought this was pretty funny...

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That wild 'n crazy guy...

Monday, August 14, 2006

Fun with Jaden

Well I orginally posted this in a frame, but it wasn't anyway. I know half of you have no idea what i'm talking about, but here's the video link anyway. Enjoy!

(Taken a several weeks ago.)

Fun With Jaden

Sunday, August 06, 2006

By request...

Well I promised to update this last week so first, I'll apologize. Things get a little crazy around here sometimes! I was recently asked to share a few songs so here you go:

Jesus The Rock

By Randy McCoy

Recorded in 1997 at Moko Music and Sound Design in Wichita, KS. - Travis Ross lead vocals and acoustic guitar, Jennette Ross backing vocals, Jim Pearson bass, UJ Pesonen lead guitar, Moses Kostomo piano, Steve Hatfield drums and others. Published by Mercy/Vineyard Publishing in 1998 and released on "Club Vineyard Volume 53"

I'll Be Still

By Travis and Jennette Ross

Recorded in 2004-2005 in Josh Rachinni's basement in Wichita, KS. - Travis Ross lead/backing vocals and acoustic guitar, Erich Wigdahl drums, Ty Kasper bass, Josh Rachinni electric guitar and others - Published by Mercy/Vineyard Publishing in 2005 and re-recorded and released on "Saving Grace"

Last weekend my parents visited and we had some adventures worthy of so pictures (Ok...a LOT of pictures!)

The first set is from when we went to the North Pole - it's an amusement park at the base of Pikes Peak. For those in Wichita, think Joyland with a theme and a little more scenery...perhaps a couple more rides. For those of you elsewhere, think Disneyland minus a few thousand acres and a few million dollars. For what it was worth (and for what it cost!) it was a really fun time.

The second set is from when we climbed Mt. Cutler. Yes, you heard right - we climbed a mountain! (Ok, was only about a 9,000 ft. one, but it's still a mountain!)

Enjoy the pics!

Here are the Mt. Cutler pictures.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Summer Funner

Summer Funner is a ministry in our city that does a VBS-type of ministry once per year that focuses a lot on acting as well as Christianity. One of the key members attends Springs Calvary and so they asked to use our facility this year for "Then Came The Frogs" (a musical about a Sunday School class that goes back in time to see Moses' life through the Egyptian plagues. - hence the frogs!) So every day from 9:00am to noon our entire facility was home to over 150 children and staff. Then on Friday evening, the performance began. We had over 550 people in our Sanctuary and 150 of them were on our stage (on risers!) It was packed! At any rate, Taite had a GREAT time and said his line perfectly, "it's not too realistic!" (Several of the kids had to "double up" and say thier lines together with another kid - Taite did have a partner.) The funniest part was seeing them all scurry around the stage finding thier way to the microphones when it was time for thier lines. Taite was in true leader fasion looking at the kids with a smirk and mouthing the words "come on!" Anyway, here are a few close-ups of Taite at the performance. I'll post more pics of some other fun activities later this week - I promise!

First we have Taite waiting patiently as the older actors set the premise of the story.

Finally Taite gets some action! Ali (Pastor Farah's daughter) was his group leader all week and helped him learn all the motions to the songs among other things.

This is probably my favorite picture. Taite is officially playing a Hebrew slave (hence the scarf.) I think his Equity card is coming next week from the Actors Union.

Here's Taite and his partner finally getting to say thier line. 15 minutes of fame? More like 15 seconds!