Been A Long Time
Wow! We didn't mean for this much time to go between posts. At the turn of the new year, as many of you know, Travis' Dad unexpectedly died, so I guess we weren't much in the mood for posting things. Then, I guess time just gets away from you or rather me. So let me attempt to catch you up on the past few months.
Jan. 10th marked the one year anniversary of our Jaden. The first year always flies, but I guess with the move and all the changes for our family it really flew. A few weeks ago he took his first step. Although he seemed to be a late bloomer, we weren't in any hurry for him to walk. I can remember wanting Taite to walk so bad. With that first kid you want them to hurry up and do everything. It's funny how much you slow down with each addition to the family. Here's a video of him walking:
Some of Jaden's first steps.
February not only greeted me with the harsh reality that I know longer really can brag about my age, except of course when someone mistakes me for a college student...that happened ask my Mom!...but it also brought with it the 9 year anniversary of Travis and my wedded bliss. He bought me a beautiful ring and I got him some CD's. Girls definitely have the corner market on gifts. He seemed happy though. Don't I prove my love to him every day with my thoughtful acts of service and that I am still here? Truly, I am so blessed to have a wonderful God fearing husband who loves and respects me...but the ring is nice.
March of course marked the one year anniversary of our time here in Colorado. As it turns out, we will be staying out at the ranch house indefinitely. I know that makes all our out of town guests happy. We aren't complaining either...the view, the pool, I mean who would? Travis is actually on his way right now to buy a door for Taite's room. If we are staying the kid needs a little privacy. Actually, it's really to keep the dog from getting in.
A dog? Yeah, we got a dog back in January. He is a Brittany and his name is Chief...can you guess who wanted that name? We love him and can't stand him. He is a puppy, all puppy. He's going to be a great dog once we can get him to quit chewing up our stuff and using the rug for his toilet. He's very cuddly and smart and he's ours, so we'll keep him:)
My Mom, Grandmother, and sister, Christina came out to visit at the end of March. We ventured to the zoo on the mountain. Really, it's on the mountain, stange but true.
We also went letter boxing and found the box, thanks to Christina. I managed to bruise myself on a log. Whoever said letter boxing was for sissies? Mostly, we relaxed and enjoyed each others company. It was nice.
That brings us up to date. Travis is well and still enjoying his work at church. He is getting ready to start a boot camp of sorts with Pastor Barry. He will be the guinea pig for an intensive discipleship regimen for late 20, early 30 something men. Should be fun and challenging all the same.
Taite continues to do well with school. He is going to sign up for spring soccer and take piano lessons this summer. He's really taking off with his reading. It's a joy to see it all begin to click. He told me the other day, "I like school again...for I while I didn't, but now I do."
Trinity is gearing up for her dance recital. She will be a dancing princess, what could be better? She is really coming alive with learning in the last few months. She is just starting to become aware of words and letters around her and has a desire to understand so much. That is always a fun time.
Jaden has been sick since Thursday with another stomach flu. The poor little guy just lays around, he doesn't have much energy for anything else. Despite his discomfort, he is still pleasant and smiles. He's a lot more cuddly, so it's not all just have to over look the constant laundering of sheets and clothes....hmmm, yuck.
I am getting ready for my dance class to perform in their recital. I will also join the worship team on Easter and begin singing back-up about once a month. That is all I can handle, I think, right now. I guess the only other big news is that we are going to have another baby, expected to arrive Nov. 12! Trinity is hoping for a baby sister, but we will of course be happy with what ever God will bring us. Everything is going well. I'm just battling feeling tired and late evening sickness. Tom Ross' birthday is Nov 15th, so it would be a nice thing if the baby came on that day to help us have something good to feel on what will be a painful day.
Hopefully that catches everyone up. We love you all and miss you.